Sterile Eye 20 Wipes

Sterile Eye 20 Wipes

  • €14.50

Blephaclean wipes are a high tolerance sterile cleansing product specially designed for cleaning the sensitive eye area. Recommended for the daily hygiene of eyelids and sensitive skin around the eye area. 

  • Preser­v­a­tive, per­fume and paraben-free
  • Clinically proven 
  • Medical device CE
  • Suitable for children 3 months and older
  • So gen­tle, they can be used from age 3 months
  • No need for any rinsing
  • Suit­able for con­tact lens wearers
  • Suit­able for all Dry Eye suf­fer­ers, includ­ing con­tact lens wearers
  • Rec­om­mend­ed by oph­thal­mol­o­gists for pre-and post-eye pro­ce­dures – seek advice from your eye care specialist

Why you should use Blephaclean: 

  • Convenience – wipes are ready-to-use, with no additional pads required
  • Travelling – easy to carry in your bag or pocket
  • Cleans­ing treat­ment plan – for managing inflam­ma­tion or infection of the eyelids such as Ble­phar­i­tis, Mei­bo­mi­an Gland dys­func­tion, Styes or Chalazia.
  • Safe to use pre-or post-surgery – with a recommendation from your oph­thal­mol­o­gist, Blephaclean can help man­age any potential infection.
How to use: Gently wipe the eye area without rubbing. No need to rinse