
Flu Vaccine

The flu vaccine is available FREE to all aged between 2-17 years, aged 60+ and those aged 18-59 in an At Risk Category,  visit for more information on who qualifies for a free HSE vaccine.

For those aged 18-59, who do not fall into the HSE defined 'At Risk Category' there is a charge of €40 for our Private Flu vaccine service. 

It takes 2 weeks to be fully protected from the date of vaccination.

Please email for your information pack and consent form.

Once we receive the correctly completed consent form(s) and vaccine service eligibility details, we will send you a link to book your appointment(s) at a time that is convenient for you. 

Influenza, commonly called the Flu, is a seasonal contagious virus that infects your upper respiratory tract, causing a range of symptoms including high temperature, aches and pains, a dry cough, and fatigue. It is spread through airborne droplets when the infected cough or sneeze. Typically symptoms only last for about a week. The flu can affect people of all ages, and it generally spreads during the winter.

While both are caused by viruses, the common cold and the flu are different, and the flu can have a much more severe impact for those who are most at risk, such as people with asthma.

Each year, there are several strains of the flu, and these can change year by year. As a result of this, it is important to get vaccinated each year if you are at risk.

It is available as an injection for adults, or as a nasal spray for children, and typically takes 2 to 3 weeks to build protection against the virus.