Revive Active contains 8 active ingredients that contribute to the normal function of the immune system: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B12, B6, Copper, Folate and Selenium. In addition, every sachet contains 18 other active ingredients to support your energy levels and heart health. The unique combination of vitamins and minerals are dissolved in liquid form and absorbed in the body more easily than in a tablet or capsule.
Our Nutritional Therapist, Anne Marie on why she takes Revive Active "I have been taking Revive Active for almost 5 years. I love its wide range of vitamins and minerals from vitamin C and zinc for my immune system, CoQ10 and B vitamins for energy and Arginine for my heart health. I take it first thing every morning before my breakfast to start my day.
I have come off it sporadically throughout the years and always feel a little slump so always revert to it especially for the autumn and wintertime. As a nutrition therapist I would recommend Revive Active as the gold standard multivitamin and always tell clients it is less than the price of a cup of tea or coffee a day, which for the benefit to your health is very inexpensive.
I love the Revive range as it nit only is Irish made but is free for all sweetners and bulking agents. I have my nieces and nephews taking the Revive junior every morning because then contain a wide range aswel as protiobics and beta - glucans which help fight off viruses such as the common cold"